
June 8, 2013

Bilderberg Agenda 2013

The Bilderberg Group (meeting in the UK currently) operated completely in secret for two decades after it was founded in 1954, bringing together the most powerful corporate bosses with leading Western politicians and bankers to advance their common agenda. A partial list of attenders is at the end of this article. It was largely a US-European cabal and had unrivalled power until the 1980s. It was managed out of the New York offices of Kroll Associates, a particularly well-connected private Detective agency.

Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went there to be briefed on Monetarism from its founder Milton Friedman, and introduced the policy into the UK, along with deregulation of the banks, much favored by Bilderberg’s leaders from the world’s biggest banking, insurance and manufacturing groups.

So what will they be discussing this year?

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