February 3, 2013


Off-Grid lighting

Whether you live off-grid or in a regular home, you need light. With the right number and position of windows, you can get along just fine during the day, but once the sun goes down, you start needing some sort of lighting. Fortunately today there are lots of options for those of us who live off-grid.

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Cell phone dead zones

Once you depend on your cellphone or Smartphone, finding yourself in a phone dead zone can be pretty traumatic.

The first thing you need to do is establish whether your difficulty is related to your area, your carrier, your house, or your phone. The remedy to your problem will depend to some degree which of these proves to be the difficulty. The steps given below by
alienintelligence-ga are pretty comprehensive. You can purchase gadgets for as little as $10 (such as the RF SuperBooster Cell Phone Signal Booster) and as much as $250 (Wilson Electronics Desktop Adjustable Gain Cell Phone Signal Booster for Home or Office – For Multiple Users

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