December 30, 2012


Be the Hero, Not the Victim

This pairs well with my “Prepping on a budget” series, this is about the “what if” scenarios, it’s something all of us should do more often, not just once and then forget about it. Going to the store and purchasing a few bags of beans and rice to put up is a good thing, but don’t let that be the main thing or (gasp) the only thing you do to prepare for potentially hard times. And remember, hard times don’t have to be on a global or regional scale to affect you, it can be something as simple as losing your job, having your hours cut, getting hurt, having an unexpected bill… It’s important to be proactive about your situation, and the more you plan ahead, the better off you will be in the event of something unexpected happening.…

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Build an Edible Green Roof

Beautiful Green roofs are a good alternative for growing food where there is little or no garden space, it also helps to keep the temperature fresh in summer and isolate the house in winter.

This video show how to make a green roof with a mix that is one third of the weight of common soil – so that the roof can handle the load.

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