December 20, 2011


Supermarket Survival

Worldwide food shortages and higher gas prices continue to drive food prices up, up, up. And yet there are still massive savings to be had that most people aren’t even aware of.  Please send us your stories of how to cope with food inflation (mail to

One book promises to slash your grocery bills in half.  Supermarket Survival is an expert guide to juicing supermarkets – follow its rules or THEY will JUICE YOU.

Yes, you could say “don’t even use supermarkets!”  But that is not realistic.

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Upgrading a small solar system – video

I just love learning how other people live off-grid, especially when they are doing it in a very similar way to how I live. LaMar Alexander has done all of this and more, we may be in different places, but we both started out with small and simple systems, cobbling together this and that, building an independent life one piece at a time.

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