Going off-grid in Ecuador – join me!
Over 600 acres untouched virgin land. Natural springs, waterfalls, streams, abundant pasture, forests, mountains…
Over 600 acres untouched virgin land. Natural springs, waterfalls, streams, abundant pasture, forests, mountains…
2011 MAR 21 – (VerticalNews.com) — For the fourth year, ConocoPhillips and Penn State University kick off the ConocoPhillips Energy Prize. Their goal is to see who can develop the most original and actionable solutions that can help improve the way the United States develops and uses energy.
The competition, which began in 2008, awards up to $300,000 and recognizes innovative ideas and solutions in three areas: developing new energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and combating climate change.…
Would not clear the weeds from his land, so it was done for him and he was charged $71,000. Now home siezed to pay bill…
German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle has called for expansion of the European power grid to be accelerated, to allow cross-border power trading in electricity. This will delight energy companies, which trade far more power than they actualy deliver. Trading can inflate the price of power to the end user as it is whisked across the continent, adding margin wherever it goes.…
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