Possum Living-How To Live Well With (Almost) No Money
I wish I could say that I had read this book way back when, and that was what inspired me to live my off-grid life… but my earliest inspiration was the Grizzly Adams series
. If I had come across Possum Living before now, I know it would have also been a great inspiration for me. It was written in the 70s by a very smart young lady, Dolly Freed. She and her father lived in a regular house, on a large lot by today’s standard, though small compared to homesteading standards. Neither one worked a regular job, yet they lived a full and enjoyable life.
Dolly wrote the book to document their lives and teach other people how to live a more simple life, unfettered by a 9-5 work week. I was re-inspired and excited to find this video about their life on YouTube. It’s a 3 part video, the second and third should play right after the first.
The book and video are dated, it was written and filmed in the late 70s, but I’m here to tell you that this type of life CAN still be achieved, I’m living proof of that. I was thrilled to find out that a revised version of her book is coming out, it apparently has updated info about Dolly, she is still alive and well. I will say that if you look hard enough, you can find a digital version of her original book to download (it’s out of print) , I have read this, but I look forward to getting the new and improved version coming out this January.
Even if you don’t want to go all the way and live like she did (and like I do now), it’s still good information to have, with today’s uncertainty, unemployment and underemployment, these are good skills to have to help get you through lean times.
Here is her original book, it’s a bit pricey Possum living: How to live well without a job and with almost no money
Here is a link for the new revised book, at a much better price Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (Almost) No Money