DIY Water Filter / Purifier
Well, a very nice reader left a comment on my blog, he gave me a website that has a water filter/purifier that can be made at home it’ s easy, no difficult instructions, no impossible parts to purchase, it is a very simple system using only 4 parts, yes, 4 parts! I’ll post the instructions here, and I’ll give the link to the site where you can get the PDF download, I highly recommend it!
I love my Berkey water purifier, and if I had it to do over again today, I would still buy it, but I do plan on using one (or more!) of these homemade water filters too.
By carefully following these instructions you will be able to
· Drink clear, safe, good-tasting water,
· Improve your family’s health,
· Reduce expenses, and
· Save time.
1. Parts of the Filter
(added by Wretha-I assume they are talking about an unglazed ceramic pot, glazed pots are water proof and the water would not flow through)
2. Take Care to Avoid Cracks
Handle the ceramic pot carefully to avoid breakage or cracking. Small invisible cracks may allow microorganisms to pass through the filter, making the water unsafe to drink.
If a ceramic pot full of water takes less than 3 hours to empty, the flow rate is too fast and the ceramic pot should be replaced.
3. Before Using the Filter for the First Time
Soak the ceramic pot in clear water (rain or tubewell water) for 12 hours
Fill the ceramic pot three times, allow the water to seep through, and discard the filtered water.
Doing one of the above two steps will flush the clay smell and color from the ceramic pot. You only need to do one of the above steps, it is not necessary to do both.
Lastly, clean the receptacle tank and spigot with soapy water. DO NOT use soap to clean the ceramic vessel.
4. Daily Use
Put the filter in a safe place where it will not get knocked over and secure it to the wall or a post.
If the water source is very dirty, tie a piece of cloth over the top of the filter to strain out the dirt and debris.
The filter will flow faster when the ceramic pot is full, so fill it often.
Keep the lid closed to prevent dust and mosquitoes from entering.
5. Cleaning the Filter
The ceramic pot should be cleaned once per month or when the flow rate begins to slow down.
– Clean the inside surface of the lid with soapy water and let it dry.
Place the lid on a level surface with the clean side facing up.
– Carefully lift the ceramic pot out of the receptacle and set it on the lid. Touch only the rim when lifting the ceramic pot.…