Pix For You
Here are some pix I’ve taken in the last few days.
Coming back from town, this is a very scenic drive.
Pretty storm clouds, got a little rain from this one.
Our little fox came around today, I fed him crackers while I snapped a few pix of him.
That’s all for now… hope you enjoyed them.
Great pictures. Man that is some wide open space compared to what I am used too. Love the pics of the fox. You have a beautiful place, I love it.
May 28, 2008 9:54 PM
Thanks Chris, it is some wide open spaces, until you get into the mountains… the fox is a wonder to watch, we just fed it some old bread, we were sitting out on our deck and heard it walking around in the dark, got out the flashlight and saw him, he came running when he heard the bread wrapper. :) Well trained and well fed critter!
May 28, 2008 10:06 PM
How is the turbine coming from the drill? Have you done some more tests using it? How did Bob wire it. I have a old cordless drill I want to test with, but I don’t know where to begin.
May 29, 2008 8:39 AM
Beautiful. I’ve been eyeballin’ some of that Pecos land for sale, I dunno. I love the isolation out your way, but you can’t grow much by way of crops I reckon. Keep the pics coming, maybe I’ll come around!
May 29, 2008 12:14 PM
Hi Hollis
We haven’t done any more with the drill, I don’t know anything about the workings of it, I’ll ask my hubby to about it and write it down in my blog. I’ll try to do it asap.
Hi Mayberry,
Yes, it is beautiful, at least it is to me, I love the desert and the mountains, I get the best of both! I am growing a garden, so far everything has been growing OK, though right now everything is still pretty small, our soil is great, but you don’t have to go far to hit hard packed horrible soil, so if you are looking at a piece of land, I would recommend taking a post hole digger and checking out the soil. The only problem I might have is the altitude, I heard that okra will not grow very well up here, I just received my order of okra seeds, I’ll find out soon if that’s true. The only other thing that might be an issue is water, as long as you have enough water, and enough mulch, and a way to protect it from the hungry critters, you should be able to grow crops for food.
May 29, 2008 1:16 PM
Now if I could