The new programs, shows and movies that are all about green have been mentioned a few times here at The Off-Grid Home. Though the times for these can have scheduling conflicts and as most channels now carrying a green/self-sufficient themed programming have it all together about once a week, That can be a plus if you can spend every night in front of the TV to catch it all, but not very practical for most of us. So seeing that the Discovery network has but their new Planet Green on demand is great for letting you catch all the new shows. Sundance also has at least one movie/documentary dealing with self-sustainability, green, and/or the environment for when you have more time to watch. These programs are a great source for learning about new products available, different building techniques, other sources of information, organizations that can help, etc. Even those of us who have our ears to the ground and eyes to the horizon on the eco-friendly and self-sustainable movements can benefit as innovation is the driving force behind it.
To see this programming becoming more accessible to the average American is great, though we do worry about it becoming the next fad of the networks. Some shows are modeled after already popular shows. Greenovate is modeled after Flip That House but with only green renovations for the flip. That can be great or it can be a sign that the networks don’t quite get what being self-sufficient and/or green is really about. There is hope that this is a way for those who don’t understand the movement or have an interest but don’t know where to start to get their feet wet. For the time being we’re opting for the hope scenario and will do everything possible to encourage that direction.…
I agree — that was really neat. Amazing what can be done largely with your own hands.
You certainly have your own kind of adventure underway. I’m not entirely sure how I found your blog, but it’s been an enjoyable visit for me. Best of luck with your off-the-grid lifestyle
June 22, 2008 4:29 PM
Thanks Steven, I really appreciate your nice comment! :) I am certainly enjoying getting to live out my dream, I’m glad you enjoy reading about it, all I can say is that I hope I can inspire other people to take a leap and live their dreams too.
June 22, 2008 7:57 PM