Thanks, Magic Jack and the Garden
First I want to thank everyone who joined the PTC sites from my links below, this will not only make money for you, it will help me tremendously, the money earned goes toward my internet expenses, it helps to keep me on line and posting here. :) If you have any questions about how to use the PTC sites, or want to know some tricks that I use to make more money (all LEGAL, I don’t do anything that would jeopardize my membership), just drop me a note via email
wretha @ gmail . com (remove the spaces)
and I’ll be more than happy to help. :)
I went ahead and ordered the Magic Jack, I figured it would be the best thing to do, if it works for me (and I hope it does), I can drop my cell phone and will not have that expense every month, I will have only one yearly charge for the phone service. The only problem with it so far is they do not have a local phone number for me, so I’ll just get a phone number that is local for my friends and family back in the DFW area, that will not be any different from what I have now with my cell phone. The startup cost on it was about $50.00, that paid for the unit, the shipping and the first year’s service. I did pay a bit extra to get the expedited shipping, I normally don’t do that, but it gave me a tracking number so I will know when it gets to my mail box, we don’t check our mail box very often, it’s a 12+ mile round trip to the mailbox, on twisty, winding, up and down rocky dirt roads. MJ is giving a 30 day free trial, they don’t charge your credit card until about day 31, I’m not sure if that is from the date ordered or the date delivered, either way I should know within a day or so when it shows up in my mail box so I can start using it as soon as possible. When we were in town the other day, I picked up a cheap corded phone, we left all of our phones in Irving when we moved, we didn’t figure we would need them out here, my how things can change… :)
The Garden
We have been working hard on the garden to get it ready to plant, I wish I could have planted before now, but we didn’t have the fencing complete, and I can’t run the risk that something would get in and tear things up.
We just got back in from working on the fencing for the last couple of hours, we were putting up the chicken wire over the top to keep the birds out. We got most of it covered, we …