More Pix
More Pix
I took more pix today, here they are:
This is the hole that Bob dug, it’s about 6 feet deep and 6 feet across, the bucket you see in the hole is a standard 5 gallon bucket, the caption “My Hole Has A Bucket In It” is a play on words, the first person who can tell me why that is funny and where I got it from wins an award. ;)
This is me, I am standing in the “bathroom” corner of the cabin looking into the medicine cabinet.
This is the humanure toilet, complete with the obligatory reading material, the orange bucket on the left has the cover material, the smaller red container on the right is my pee bucket, this gets dumped outside on the compost pile.
This is the inside portion of the power plant, there are 4 deep cycle batteries on the bottom, on the top, from left to right is the on-off switch, on top of that is the small charge controller, to the right is the big charge controller, the red thing on the right is the inverter. This is all sitting on top of a chest of drawers. I know it looks like a rats nest of wires, and for the most part it is, but it works and quite well and is more organized than it looks.
This is the heat and water heating and sometimes cooking area, you can see the stock pot on top, it is about half full with water, it stays warm for hours after the fire goes out. This is what I use to wash myself and the dishes with.
This is the food pantry, we have mostly canned goods here, I also have food stores in other places in the cabin. We are eating out of cans a lot, I do try to get creative with what we have, and on a semi-regular basis, I get to town and get some fresh food (salad, greens, cheese, bread…) to add to the mix. We had salad a few days ago, I’m not a big salad eater, but I loved eating the crunchy greens, it made for a different meal and I know it was good for us too. I can’t wait to start growing a garden, we will have lots of good stuff to eat then! :)
This is the bed that Bob built. It’s not much to look at, but it is off the ground and sturdy. You can see my pink PJs on my pillow.
This is my sink, complete with pot and pan storage, a shelf over the top for various things, and lots of room under it for storing our junk.
This evening, close to sundown, I sat outside on a big rock, out behind my cabin, this is where the …