
November 15, 2007

Future House now

Brief tour of a multi-feature, state of the art, architect-designed home.

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Energy Calculators are Your Freind

Since we talked about going energy efficient, we thought we tell you about energy calculators. Energy calculators can give from a rough estimate to a detailed one of your energy consumption and costs to run your home.

We have found several free on the internet and would like to share them with you. If you want a in depth one go to Home Energy Saver , this one may take a while so you can come back just save your session id#. For a quick estimate we found one from East Central Energy, also Santee Electric Cooperative has one with a little more input necessary. When doing our search we found that most government sites send you to the Home Energy Saver, and power companies use the East Central Energy version.

So take the time to do at least the quick one, then make some adjustments and you can see how that can either save or cost you in your energy costs. When your hooked or if your ready to have a more in depth one move to the Home Energy Saver.

Good luck and good savings. We’ll all be living off-grid sooner then we thought if we all take one small step at a time.

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