Fortune steps tentatively off-grid

Birds make great ringtones
Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.This piece from Fortune Magazine sums up the ambivalent relation many of the Blackberry generation have with the grid:
I’M STANDING ON A BLUFF overlooking the Pacific Ocean, writes Stanley Bing. The surf is tremendous. In a field to my right, horses are grazing, munching on grass they pull up a clump at a time. A pleasant, ripping sound of roots being torn from the turf is audible under the crash of the waves as they leap up in curls of spume from the black rocks of the beach.
I am off the grid. This is a phrase I have heard only recently, possibly because it is new, possibly because I am no longer so new and hear things later than I used to. Off the grid. It has a nice feel to it.…