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Live cheap…live well
Here are 101 money-saving ideas for the truly frugal, with thanks to the web site www.allthingsfrugal.com.
The list covers every aspect of life — from Beauty and Shopping to Work and Travel:
*Lower your thermostat temperature a couple of degrees and wear sweaters around your house. For every degree you lower your thermostat, you save 2-3 percent on your energy bill.
*When you use your dishwasher, stop it before the drying cycle, and open the door to air dry your dishes.
*Make sure all your appliances are running smoothly by cleaning the filters regularly.
*Unless you are baking, put your food in your oven when you first turn it on.
*Close your drapes at night to help cold air from getting in.
*Open your drapes wide when the sun is shining to warm your room.
*Keep your windows shut as tightly as possible. Locking them will make the seal tighter.
*Close doors to rooms that don’t need to be heated, like closets, storage rooms, etc. Close the heating vent in unused rooms.
*Turn you lights off when you leave a room. It is cheaper to turn them on and off than leave them on, and the bulbs last longer.
*Use the lowest wattage possible and still have adequate light.
Frugal Living for Dummies – Buy the US Edition