March 17, 2005


Auto pollutants, What can I do?

Terra Pass Decal
Terra Pass Decal

So here’s the dilemma. You compost, you recycle, get off the grid when you can, maybe even bought a fuel efficient car, getting 30+ mpg. But every day as you fill up on $2+ / gallon gas, you wonder if there is something else you can do to offset your emissions. Not everyone is into diesels and vegetable oil. Along comes Tom Arnold of TerraPass, a student owned and operated company.…

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Meet the Reclaimers

stately salvage
Knebworth house, stately salvage Fair

Salvage is so now! It’s not only planet-friendly, its also the cool way to cherish off the grid craftsmanship.

SALVO FAIR, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England, 2 & 3 July 2005, is a full-on weekend, where you can get down and dirty rummaging amongst hundreds of architectural salvage and garden antique exhibits for sale or dress to the nines and be entertained by craftspeople like Wocko the singing woodman, who will be splitting lathes in the traditional fashion.…

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