Personal Carbon Trading
Personal Carbon Trading scheme could be the clincher for reducing emissions and engaging people in the battle to save the environment…
Personal Carbon Trading scheme could be the clincher for reducing emissions and engaging people in the battle to save the environment…
Ken Livingstone is the only serious politician running for Mayor and he is making progress on the Environment in Britain’s capital.…
When he was VP, Gore cynically abandoned the environmental movement. This is his chance to make good.…
As he prepares to hand over control of the UK’s top eco-campaigning group, TONY JUNIPER, DIRECTOR OF FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, reflects on the green movement, in conversation with NICK ROSEN
“I used to dismiss pop star involvement in Green campaigns as celebrities picking up on fashionable causes to get themselves some good PR. But I changed my mind when I found myself leaning on the bar of a nightclub with Thom Yorke from Radiohead, along with Tory leader David Cameron and Labour�s David Miliband. It was 2006 and Miliband was still Tony Blair�s Environment Secretary. Thom had written them each personal invites to a very select little gig organised by Friends of the Earth at the Coco Club in Camden Town. Thom was performing, along with Johnny Greenwood from Razorlight.…
New York’s Mayor Bloomberg launches competition for best survival designs in event of climate change catastrophe. Rest of world should follow suit.…
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